Thursday, September 12, 2013

And the day brings...

…A finished list!!
I've got a bagillion (is that a word) ideas in my head, and tons of ideas that, forever, get stored in this imaginary file cabinet labeled "save for later". Anyone else have this issue? Do you actually make these "save for laters" happen??
I adore lists and planners and organizers and calendars etc. and sometimes this "save for laters" still don't get finished even being organized. What is YOUR "go to" for organizing and making these things happen?

Perhaps some Adorable printable calendars

Sept13 Cal. photo septembercalendar_zps40c2b44a.jpg

 photo minicalendar_zpsc04d6881.png

Or some Cute
printable TO DO lists:

 photo todougent_zpsb594067c.jpg

Top 3 tips for getting things DONE
Crystal @ Money Saving Mom

  1. Keep Your To-Do List Short You need a plan for your day, otherwise, you'll most likely just end up running in circles. However, if you try to bite off more than you can chew in a day's time, you'll end up overwhelmed from the get-go. Set yourself up for success by creating a short to do list for each day. I suggest no more than 5-7 items on your list. It's better to only plan to do four things and to actually accomplish three of them, then to make a list of 47 to-do items, and a only get a few bits and pieces of some of them done.

    2. Make Your Daily Goals Measurable
    When you make your to-do list, be realistic. Don't write down "Clear out clutter in the whole house" or "Clean house" or "Find a new job." Break things down into bite-sized, manageable pieces and be specific. For instance, instead of writing down "Clear out the clutter in the whole house." Set a goal to spend 30 minutes clearing out the clutter in one room. Instead of attempting to clean the whole house, make a goal to vacuum two rooms, do a load of laundry, and clean the toilets. Not only are specific, measurable goals much more concrete, they are also much more manageable. The thought of cleaning the whole house is overwhelming, but knowing you just have to vacuum two rooms, finish a load of laundry, and clean two toilets is much more achievable. Plus, when you set measurable goals, you know when they are accomplished.

    3. Use Your Minutes Wisely

    If you want to have more productivity and efficiency in your life, you need to become the master of your minutes. If you find yourself with a short two-minute window of time, don't just twiddle your thumbs. Do something. I'm always surprised at how much can be accomplished in a few minutes' of time.

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